On this episode of How You Create, we are joined by Brian McDonald and Jesse Bryan. In the words of Jesse, Brian is the best storyteller alive today. Aside from being Brian’s biggest hype man, Jesse is the Founder and CEO of Belief Agency. Brian and Jesse work together at Belief Agency, a full-service creative agency, and story consultancy that believes the truth is enough. Things don’t always have to be so arduous, and oftentimes people use big words and over-complicate things to come off as experts. These two live by Einstein’s “If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, then you don't understand it yourself.” And with their deep understanding of storytelling, it all just makes sense.
We discuss armature, a concept that Brian learned from his time working alongside sculptors. They would start with a wire skeleton to support the weight of the clay. It holds everything together, everything is built upon it, and it’s one of the most important elements of the sculpture, but it’s not what people see or pay attention to. We discuss how that concept applies to almost everything, including storytelling. They also get into what survival means - culturally, spiritually, emotionally, communally, and more.
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